
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Net Neutrality: The Coming Battle

“Now we face a constitutive choice with the Internet—a choice between closed networks where the network operators control the user experience and open networks that are controlled by end users. This is an issue in which you must engage, not just because you are innovators and business people, but because you are citizens.

If I see what’s happening accurately, I believe we will have an opportunity, before very long, to decide this issue of Internet Freedom. It will be a major fight, with powerful forces on the other side. We’ll all have to work—and much as I know folks out here like to keep their focus on all the good entrepreneurial things they are doing, they—you—are going to have to focus on this issue, focus on Washington, and put your commitment and your resources into making sure the decision comes out right. Without that kind of participation, we will likely lose. With it, we have a real shot to win.”

Commissioner Copps openning statement @ the April 17th FCC En Banc Hearing on Net Neutrality

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