
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why the FCC is a laughing-stock and why we should be crying

In the wake of the FCC's Hearing held at Stanford last Thursday, and Chairman Martin's testimony yesterday before the Senate, it's hard to be muster much hope for the future of the internet. Symptoms of of accelerating decline - from a free-wheeling barely-legal commonwealth to something more like network TV - are beginning to appear. These sores are made all the more painful in light of the promise that the internet seems to hold - if it remains a public good and not private property - to put the power to express, organize productive activities and waste time at work into the hands of the many.

The Bad

I'm saying things are bad because of what I saw last Thursday at the hearing. Comcast, as some off you may know, promised not to block or degrade traffic on its internet service. This was back in 2006. Another interesting thing happened that same year...

Comcast started blocking and degrading P2P traffic.

This isn't just bad. It's really bad. P2P is a technology that allows innovative individuals to provide services on the internet that used to be impossible without server farms and deals with companies that optimize internet load times - two things that are extremely expensive. P2P allows all the users that love the widget that you invented to provide the processing power and bandwidth that our imaginary widget needs to function. It's like a co-op. SO when Comcast blocks P2P services that provide innovators a way to compete with Comcast... that's very serious.

Jason Devitt put the threat quite succinctly in his testimony:

So that all really... bad (sorry for the redundancy), but it get's soooooooo much worse.

The Worse

The worse is that the FCC is clearly not going to do anything. Chairman Martin is in bed with the Telecom companies and absolutely loving it. (Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska might be going to jail for all the nasty things that go on in that bed, and if he does he'll get to share a jail-bunk with his son... who was also in bed with corporate America or was until the Feds caught him. We still haven't determined if they were in bed at the same time.) I'm already writing my January 15th, 2009 post on Chairman Martin joining the executive board of AT&T...

Ugly as it is, that's just how regulation works the majority of the time in the United States. In academic circles we call it "industry capture" and it's exactly like what it sounds. The regulatees become the regulators.

The Telecoms can field an awesome array of forces - they have Congressmen bought-and-paid-for, they have armies of failed economists and technology 'experts' paid to sanctify their cloven-hoved attempts to destroy the rule of law in this country with spurious economic, legal and technological arguments, but most importantly - they have the FCC.

I'm going to leave this rant with the Churchill-esque call to arms Commission Copp gave in his statement at the Feb 17th hearing:
"We’ve come a long way [...] but there are no guarantees for the future. And that wonderful, open and dynamic Internet—perhaps the most liberating technology since the printing press, if not even greater than that—is, in fact, under threat. We will keep it open and free only by acting to make it happen. Its future is not on autopilot and, indeed, powerful interests would bring it under their control for their own purposes— which may not be your purposes. I’m not presenting a novel theory here, I’m only learning from history. History shows that when somebody has the ability to control technology, and also has a business incentive to do so, they’re going to try. And that, my friends, is what this issue of Internet Freedom or net neutrality, or whatever you want to call it, is all about."

Next time I post I want to throw out some ways of acting. I'd also really like to hear from anyone who's reading this - at this point that's probably just friends and family - on what they think and what is to be done.

All the best.


Anonymous said...

what's a shill?

Ezra said...

someone who gives praise for profit